
Every year, a significant number of people are killed or injured from moving vehicles. Most of these incidents are related to poor traffic management in yards, speeding, blocking and restricting access and reversing without a Banksman.

Banksmen are operatives trained to assists in the safe operation of a vehicle or machine around site by giving signals to the driver. A banksman is often called a traffic marshal.

From a legal point of view, employers and their employees have to comply with ‘The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015’ which state:

  • A construction site must be organised in such a way that, so far as is reasonably practicable, pedestrians and vehicles can move without risks to health or safety.

Our banksman toolbox talk helps employers keep their employees safe and reduce health and safety issues in workplaces where banksman directs the operation of vehicles and plant equipment.

Items Covered in the Banksman Toolbox Talk

Our banksman toolbox talk is split up in following sections:

  • Introduction: Provides an overview of what a banksman is and how they can improve safety on site.
  • The Dangers: This section describes some of the hazards in a workplace where there are moving vehicles and plant equipment.
  • When to Use a Banksman: Provide information on when a banksman should be used to improve safety on site.
  • Control Measures: Defines the precautions that should be taken to reduce the risk of incidents related to moving vehicles and plant equipment on site.
  • The Law: List regulations that employers are obligated to comply with as part of managing or overseeing a construction project.
  • Toolbox Talk Questions: Includes a few questions to assess attendees understanding of the banksman toolbox talk.

Each of our toolbox talks include an additional page where relevant dangers on site can be identified and discussed, together with an attendance list where participants can be recorded and sign.

Purchase our Banksman Toolbox Talk to keep your employees safe, or take advantage of our toolbox talk packages which contains a range of our toolbox talks at a reduced price.