
Most slips occur when floors become wet or contaminated and many trips are due to poor housekeeping. Solutions are often simple and cost-effective and a basic assessment of the risks will identify what can be done to eliminate or reduce risks of slips trips and falls.

As part of The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, employers are obligated to keep the workplace sufficiently clean and tidy. Employers are required to implement procedures to ensure their workplace is maintained and have a safe environment to work in. This include keeping the floors dry and free from obstructions to prevent slips trips and falls incidents.

Regulations related to health and safety are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) who is the UK government agency responsible for enforcing health and safety in the workplace.

Regulations for health and safety in the workplace help prevent accidents from slips trips and falls. They ensure employees are obligated to implement safety measures like guard rails, cleaning procedures and training amongst others to prevent slips trips and falls. Our slips trips and falls toolbox talk help employers keep their employees safe and stay compliant with the law.

Definition of Slips Trips and Falls

Slips trips and falls can be defined as the following:

  • Slips: Loss of balance due to insufficient friction between the foot and the floor (e.g. wet or oily surfaces).
  • Trips: When the balance is lost due to the foot hits an obstacle or when there is an unexpected lower surface.
  • Falls: When falling from a higher to a lower level in a downward movement (e.g. fall from a roof).

Items Covered in Slips Trips and Falls Toolbox Talk

Our slips trips and falls toolbox talk is split up in following sections:

  • Introduction: Provides an overview of what causes slips trips and falls in the workplace.
  • The Dangers: This section covers the common risks that cause slips trips and falls in the workplace.
  • Control Measures: Outline controls that can be used to eliminate or reduce the number of trips slips and falls in a workplace.
  • Toolbox Talk Questions: Includes a few questions to assess attendees understanding of the slips trips and falls toolbox talk.

Each of our toolbox talks include an additional page where relevant dangers on site can be identified and discussed, together with an attendance list where participants can be recorded and sign.

Purchase our Slips Trips and Falls Toolbox Talk to keep your employees safe, or take advantage of our toolbox talk packages which contains a range of our toolbox talks at a reduced cost.